Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Random thought

So I was thinking why is it that as moms whenever we say we need a break or are feeling worn out we qualify it by saying, "I love my kids, but"? Can't we just assume that everyone knows we love our kids. Unless I see you grossly neglecting your kids, I assume you are pretty crazy about them. Why do I think that the moment I utter the words, "I am tired, or I need a break" someone will think I am a bad mom? Can we just be free to admit the truth sometimes without feeling like we will be judged? Because the reality is if you are being a good mom you will get tired. If you are a good mom you cook, clean, shuttle, dress, bathe, cook, clean, shuttle, cuddle, read to, discipline, read to, hug, kiss, cook, clean, hug, kiss, play with, read to, hug, kiss and bed children all day long. If you are human and a good mom you will naturally get tired. So I am going to try and stop qualifying my statements and just let them stand. I think you can assume I love my kids right?

By the way. I could really use like 4 hours where no one touches, talks to, looks at or needs me.


Michele said...

I know what you mean. I get it mainly from my boyfriend's mom. She never says anything to me but behind my back to Lizzie's dad. She thinks that since i made the choice to become a mother that I don't need to go out and have some time to myself. She says I "use" her son because anytime i go out she asks well who's watching Lizzie and he usually does she makes me look like a bad mom

Momma said...

I am sorry Michele- That stinks. I am super fortunate to have great people around me who all support me. Todd is awesome and takes the kids for me often so I can have some "me" time. And honestly your boyfriend should be the first to stand up to his mom and say that Lizzie is his kid too. He is not being used. He is being a dad.

Also, if you happen to be reading a version with spelling errors I am sorry. I have fixed them like 4 times and for some reason it shows it being saved and then comes back. Hope the kinks are worked out and you are reading a correctly spelled version. LOL