Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sing praises

So the past couple of days have just felt so blah. It seems like I have not heard any good news in so long. Every where I turn another friend is losing a job, getting sick. I know that this too shall pass, but in the moment it seems so long. I just felt broken yesterday by all the hurt and sadness.
Yesterday I was just feeling so sad and I remembered a phrase I have heard from the bible. "A sacrifice of praise" I am not sure if that applies here, but in the moment I just started to sing praises to God. Out loud, which Claire found to be hilarious. I do not always remember to do that, but it helped. I am so utterly greatful for the blessings I have. We have been given so much. We have jobs, and vehicles and food and a warm house. I know there are so many who have so little, so in the midst of my sadness I remembered Jesus and how good he still was despite all I see going on around me and I think that is what I am always supposed to do. He still is good and he still reigns despite the economy, despite illness, despite death. He is God.

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